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HDMI forum rejects AMD’s request for an open source HDMI 2.1+ drive support



The US tech giant AMD has made decision to boost it’s open-source Linux graphic drive.

HDMI forum:

As AMD decided to boost it’s open-source Linux graphic drive they are trying to get permission from HDMI forum to add it’s 2.1+ features to it’s drive which will allow user to experience super fast performance and high quality of video and audio support.

The challenge lies in the fact that the HDMI Forum has restricted access to its specifications, reserving them solely for its members. Both AMD and the X.Org Foundation, an advocate for open-source graphics, have persistently requested access from the HDMI Forum to incorporate these specifications into their open-source driver. AMD’s Linux engineers have dedicated considerable effort to devising a solution that aligns with the requirements set forth by the HDMI Forum.

HDMI so far has rejected request of AMD saying it will not allow open source implementation of HDMI 2.1+ feature. The problem Linux is user can’t experience the full potential of it such as it prevents Linux user from enjoying 4K, 120HZ and 5K, 240Hz via HDMI 2.1 and form past many years AMD is straggling to fix this bug.

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